Carbondale, Colorado: Real-Time Air Quality Information
01/1/2000 12:00 AM
26 F
85 %
1 mph
Ideal Image
PollutantAverage Time U.S. EPA
  0.070 ppm
(70 ppb)
  35 ug/m3
  150 ug/m3
The AQI is an index for reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you. The AQI focuses on health effects you may experience within a few hours or days after breathing polluted air.
Unhealthy for Sensitive People
Very Unhealthy
Ozone O3
1 Hour Average
10 ppb
8 Hour Rolling Average
22 ppb
11/13/2024 10:00:00 PM
Particulate Matter PM2.5
Public Notice
  Real-time PM2.5 particle data are currently unavailable due to equipment maintenance.

  Garfield County will update the public as more information becomes available. We are sorry for any inconveniences.
Data Disclaimer
Air quality and meteorology data are displayed on this Web page typically within one to three hours of their collection. As a result, data posted are raw that have not been validated by human review and may contain errors. Real-time data must be interpreted with caution. These data are provided for public awareness only. They should not be used in any medical or scientific study. Contact your regional air program manager to obtain quality-assured quarterly data summaries or access to fully-validated raw data.